Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Last Of The Timelords Press Release

Here it is already Wolfy's the final press release for series 3 and it is the final episode. This is the episode where we will see the fate of The Master, Martha, Captain Jack and even The Doctor. This episode is sure to be a action packed thriller so its a much watch for all Doctor Who fans. This press release can be found below.
Earth has been conquered and the Master rules supreme, with the Doctor a helpless prisoner, in the final episode of Russell T Davies's Doctor Who.The entire human race has been reduced to slavery, as the mighty warships of a new Time Lord Empire rise from the ashes. Only Martha Jones can save the world...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We've known this for ages. First on Freema, then on all the other blogs. T.A.T.T, Tardis news etc.etc.