'The book has been, as usual, complex to prepare,' said Telos' David J Howe. 'As well as the text, which Stephen James Walker has painstakingly prepared, we have an 8 page colour photographic section as well. Therefore the availability date has slipped slightly from October to November. We're confident that the title will be as warmly welcomed as the first two books looking at the new series of Doctor Who.'

Below is a brief synopsis of the book.
Third Dimension is a comprehensive episode guide to Series Three of the new Doctor Who, following the ongoing adventures of the Doctor.The full build-up and background are revealed, from the aftermath of Series Two and the departure of Rose Tyler right up to date, detailing all the major news stories, press releases, casting announcements and critical response.The spotlight is then turned on each of the 13 episodes in turn, plus the Christmas special 'The Runaway Bride', with in-depth coverage, including all the facts and figures, behind-the-scenes details, press and fan reaction and detailed and insightful analysis.
Cool Post. Very interessant!
They're playing outside...
I'm Fireproof, you're not...
Thats it for you, sammy...
Hey! Stinky!...
(Sorry, they are all quotes from hellboy)
Oh, and look at my name where it says posted by hellboy. Its cool.
DOCTOR Who bosses are set to call back FOUR of the Time Lord’s favourite assistants – including Billie Piper – for a sensational showdown. The old cast members will be reunited to help the Doc fight evil Dalek creator Davros in an explosive finale to the next series.
Leading the way in the line-up will be Billie (Piper) as Rose Tyler along with the rest of the Tyler family; they will hook up with the Tardis traveller’s latest assistants Martha Jones and Donna Noble. Also on hand to help out the Doc will be his old companion Sarah Jane Smith as well as Torchwood boss Captain Jack Harkness. Even the Time Lord’s dog K-9 will make an appearance.
The TV source said: "This is the daddy of all shows. The writer Russell T Davies really wants to pull out all the stops for the finale next year."
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