Sunday, 9 September 2007

Which Doctor Who DVD's Do You Own?

Over the last week Bad Wolf PR has been asking visitors Which Doctor Who DVD's Do You Own? Well after 16 individual votes and 25 different votes we can now reveal that The New Series Volumes are the most brought with 8 votes and 50% of the votes. In joint second was The New Series Box Sets, The Classic Series Episodes and None Of These who all got 5 votes and 31%. In last place came The Classic Series Box Sets with 2 votes and 12%. If anyone is wondering why the percentages and the overall votes don't add up, it is because this week you were able to vote for multiple answers. I'd like to thank everyone who took their time to vote on this poll.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who is the main audience of the blog? I presume it's younger fans who may not have seen the classic series - so the Classics fail. But fear not, I love the classics even though I am a younger viewer.

Maybe you could make a poll asking which group is most popular. Classic or New. Even from now, I bet it'll be New. I'm classic for life though! :)